Program Type: Online In-Country Program /
Main Contents
- TVET 4.0 to Address IR 4.0 covering: 21st Century skills; Skills and Enablers in TVET 4.0
- Concepts of IR 4.0, Stages,elements and major trends impacting on TVET 4.0. It shall cover inputs to Teacher Training as well as TVET Research as a Driver for Innovation
- TVET Teacher Professional Competency Framework in the Industry 4.0 Era. The VOCTECH SEAMEO Survey will be presented as a case; ASEAN Teaching Model IR 4.0; latest demand-driven occupations and the integration of digital technologies in teaching competencies
Theme Papers
- Theme Paper 1: Imagineering TVET for the Changing World
- Theme Paper 2: Concepts of IR 4.0, Stages, elements and major trends impacting on TVET 4.0.
- Theme Paper 3: Challenge of Industry 4.0 to Teacher Training and to TVET Research as a Driver for innovation
- Theme Paper 4: TVET Teacher Professional Competency Framework in the Industry 4.0 Era
- Theme Paper 5: Digital Technologies to Integrate IR 4.0 Skills inTeaching Competencies
Group Work
- Group Work 1: Gap Analysis /SWOT Analysis: Overview of the Current TVET Landscape
- Group Work 2: Developing Teaching Aids for a Blended Learning Program
- Group Work 3: Developing Digital Contents Using Authoring Tools
- Group Work 4 : System Development Planning: Action Plan The Way Forward