TVET Institute-Industry Linkages

Date: October 21-25, 2024 /
Program Type: In-COuntry Program /

Main Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following topics will be presented and discussed in a consultative manner:

Special Lecture

  • Special Lecture: Institute-Industry Linkages for Better Employability and Self-Employability

Theme Papers

  • Theme Paper 1: Building Industry-Institute Linkages in TVET System: Concepts and Principles
  • Theme Paper 2: Type of Linkages Network
  • Theme Paper 3: Strategies for Effective Linkages
  • Theme Paper 4: Role of Government and Policy in TVET Institute–Industry Linkages
  • Theme Paper 5: Dual Training System: Concept, Benefits and Challenges
  • Theme Paper 6: Future Trends and Organization in Institution– Industry Network

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Workshop 1: Undertake SWOT Analysis for Institute-Industry Collaboration in the TVET System of Sri Lanka
  • Workshop 2: Review and Analyze the Implementation of the Dual Training System (DTS): Suggestion for the TVET System in Sri Lanka
  • Workshop 3: Case Studies (Success Stories of Institute-Industry Linkages)

National Seminar on Collaborative Education Models: Redefining Learning through Industry Partnerships

  • Session 1: Global Partnership for Internationally Recognized TVET Qualifications
  • Session 2: Preparing Students for the Future: Skills and Competencies in Demand
  • Session 3: Overcoming Challenges in Industry-Academia Collaborations


Upon successful completion of this program, the participants will be able to:

  • Analyze industry needs and trends to ensure that TVET programs are relevant and responsive
  • Develop the capacity of TVET managers to manage and implement industry-linked programs effectively
  • Establish sustainable and mutually beneficial relationships with industry partners
  • Provide the know-how to assess the impact of industry linkages on TVET programs and make data-driven decisions for continuous improvement.

Research Methodology for TVET Leaders and Teachers

Date: October 7-11, 2024 /
Program Type: In-COuntry Program /

Main Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:

Presentations on the following:

Special Lecture: An Overview of R&D and significance of action research in Asia Pacific Region

Theme Papers

  • Theme Paper 1: Introduction to Research Methodology
  • Theme Paper 2: Conduct of Literature Review
  • Theme Paper 3: Research Approaches and Design
  • Theme Paper 4: Data Collection and Validation
  • Theme Paper 5: Data Analysis Tools
  • Theme Paper 6: Writing up Conclusion & References(Journals And Citations)
  • Theme Paper 7: Basic Research Proposal Framework (Workshop)

Exercises and workshops on the following:

Group Work Activities (GWA)

  • GWA 1: Workshop on Research Methodology
  • GWA 2: Workshop on Data Analysis
  • GWA 3: Issues and concerns of TVET in Bhutan
  • GWA 4: Basic Proposal writing on TVET in Bhutan


At the end of the course, participants should be able to:

  • Determine and understand the fundamental concept of Action Research Methodology
  • Familiarize and understand the research framework and its importance.
  • Promote and collaborate research with internal and external stakeholders.

Training Methodology in TVET and Innovative TVET Teaching Methods

Date: September 9-13, 2024 /
Program Type: In-COuntry Program /

Main Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following topics will be presented and discussed in a consultative manner:

Special Lecture and Theme Papers

  • Special Lecture: Blue Ocean Strategy for Entrepreneurship Training in TVET in the Asia Pacific Region
  • Theme Paper 1: Introduction to Principle Learning in TVET
  • Theme Paper 2: Professional Development and Continuous Improvement
  • Theme Paper 3: Introduction to TVET Training Methodologies
  • Theme Paper 4: Innovative Pedagogical & Integration ICT Approaches in TVET
  • Theme Paper 5: Excellence in Leadership for Change Management Through the PDCA Cycle in TVET

Seminar on Empowering Leadership in TVET:

  • Session 1: Enhancing Innovative using AI tools in TVET Teaching and Learning
  • Session 2: Sustainable Management for TVET Institutes in Teaching Method Perspectives
  • Session 3: Greening TVET for Higher Learning Institutions - Way Forward

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Workshop 1: Instructional Design and Curriculum Development (Competency-Based Education (CBE))
  • Workshop 2: Training Delivery and Assessment
  • Workshop 3: Driving AI Strategies.


The participants are expected to:

  • Develop and introduce TVET Teaching Methodology to instructors/lecturers for teaching TVET academic program Level 6 and above MQF (Bachelor’s Degree and above)
  • Provide learners with broad knowledge, and technical and/or non-technical skills relevant to an area of study and/or work with moderate autonomy and responsibilities, with some level of creativity and management skills subject to broad guidance and direction.

Leadership and Management of TVET Institute

Date: July 22-26, 2024 /
Program Type: In-COuntry Program /

Main Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:

Theme Papers & Presentations on the following:

  • Special Lecture: Implementing Effective Management Practices in TVET
  • Presentation 1: 21st Century Skills & IR4.0 (Global Competitiveness & Innovation in TVET)
  • Presentation 2: Unlocking Potential: The Role of Visionary Leadership in TVET Institutes.
  • Presentation 3: Empowering Excellence: Human Resource Management Strategies in TVET
  • Presentation 4: Cultivating Talent: Leadership Development Initiatives for TVET Professionals
  • Presentation 5: Different Pathways for TVET Institute Capacity Buildings
  • Presentation 6: Opportunities and Challenges for TVET: Strategies for Success
  • Presentation 7: Operational Management Techniques for TVET Institutes
  • Presentation 8: Benchmarking Quality Assurance of TVET Institutions
  • Presentation 9: Emerging Challenges in TVET Leadership for the 21st Century
  • Presentation 10: Excellence in Leadership for Change Management Through the PDCA Cycle in TVET

Seminar on Empowering Leadership in TVET:

  • Session 1: Visionary Leadership with Creative Institute Image Building
  • Session 2: Enhancing TVET Resilience for Sustainable Development
  • Session 3: Sustainable Management for TVET Institutes in Greening Perspectives
  • Session 4: Best Green Practices in TVET Strategic Management: The Malaysian Experience

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • WI:TVET Institute Management Issues and Their Technical Analysis from a Malaysian Perspective
  • W2: Creating Competency-Based Management by Integrating Strategic Planning.
  • W3: Preparation of an Action Plan


The participants are expected to:

  • Understand the concept of leadership and management
  • To determine the qualities enlisted for effective leadership and management of the TVET Institutes.
  • To identify the issues and challenges in TVET leadership and management
  • To plan strategies to overcome issues and challenges in TVET leadership and management
  • To equip leaders with the necessary skills, knowledge, and strategies to effectively lead and manage TVET institutes

Implementing Sustainable Practices: Green Initiatives in Higher Education Institutions

Date: July 12, 2024 /
Program Type: Webinar /

11:30am Afghanistan | 12:00pm Maldives, Pakistan | 12:30pm India, Sri Lanka | 12:45pm Nepal | 1:00pm Bangladesh, Bhutan | 1:30pm Myanmar | 2:00pm Thailand | 3:00pm China, Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 5:00pm Papua New Guinea | 7:00pm Fiji


  • To educate participants on the significance of sustainability within higher education institutions and its impact on the environment, economy, and society;
  • To share successful case studies and best practices from higher education institutions that have effectively implemented sustainable practices
  • To offer practical strategies and actionable steps for developing and implementing green initiatives within higher education institutions covering the areas of energy efficiency, waste reduction, sustainable transportation, and green building practices
  • To explore ways of creating a culture of sustainability on campus, including incorporating sustainability into the curriculum, organizing eco-friendly events, and promoting green behaviour through awareness campaigns and incentives

Empowering Workforce and Gender Inclusivity: Navigating the TVET Landscape Through Digitalization and Green Practices

Date: July 8-12, 2024 /
Program Type: Regional Program /

Main Contents

The Participants are expected to gain comprehensive knowledge to enhance their capacity towards empowering workforce and gender inclusivity by navigating the TVET landscape through digitalization and green practices

Program/Conference Strategies

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:

Theme Papers & Presentations on the following:

  • Special Lecture-1: Empowering Workforce through TVET Landscaping: Strategies for Success
  • Theme Paper 1: Beyond the Classroom: Uniting Education and Industry for Future-Ready TVET Programs
  • Theme Paper 2: Synergizing Industry and Education: Cultivating Dynamic Partnerships for TVET Excellence
  • Theme Paper 3: Digital Revolution: Understanding the impact of digitalization on TVET
  • Theme Paper 4: Digitalization in TVET: Tools and Strategies for Transformation
  • Theme Paper 5: Exploring effective strategies for integrating digitalization into TVET curricula and training programs
  • Theme Paper 6: The Importance of Green Skills in Sustainable Development
  • Theme Paper 7: Strategies & Practical Approaches for Greening Campuses

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Bridging the Gap Between Employers and TVET Institutions for Enhanced Workforce Preparedness through NSIS
  • Digital tools and technologies transforming TVET, including online platforms, virtual simulations, and interactive modules


The participants are expected to:

  • Understand the concept of empowerment and inclusivity in TVET through digitalization and green practices
  • Appreciate the need and importance of accessibility and personalized learning experiences in TVET through digital platforms programs and institutions to respond to the national, regional, and global labor market
  • Understand the gender diversity and equality in traditionally male-dominated fields
  • Comprehend the steps involved in how to equip individuals with skills for a greener economy and society
  • Cultivate a culture of sustainability and responsibility among TVET learners.
  • Create a discussion opportunity and experience sharing for a prosperous and sustainable future in member countries through investment in digital infrastructure and green practices in TVET.
  • Break down barriers and create pathways for women in technical and vocational fields.

Enhancing Quality Management System in TVET

Date: June 24-28, 2024 /
Program Type: In-Country Program /

Main Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:

Theme Papers & Presentations on the following:

  • Special Lecture: Benchmarking Quality Assurance of TVET Institutions
  • Theme Paper 1: Overview of TVET Quality Assurance System by Myanmar
  • Theme Paper 2: Quality Management System in TVET as Key to Train Skilled Workforce
  • Theme Paper 3: Quality Assurance in TVET using the EAS TVET QAF
  • Theme Paper 4: Principles and Guidelines for QMS in TVET
  • Theme Paper 5: Quality Management Tools and Implications in TVET Institutions
  • Theme Paper 6: Application of PDCA for Quality Management
  • Presentation 1: Quality Management in Governance and Management
  • Presentation 2: Quality Management in Teaching and Learning
  • Presentation 3: Quality Management in Human Resources
  • Presentation 4: Quality Management in Research and Development
  • Presentation 5: Quality Enhancement in Image & Sustainability
  • Presentation 6: Quality Assurance in Other Resources of TVET Institute

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Conduct a SWOT Analysis on the Institutional Quality Assurance
  • Identification of Major Issues & Challenges in Maintaining a Quality Assurance System
  • Workshop on M&E for QMS in TVET Institutions
  • Workshop on How to Ensure Quality Support to Students


The participants are expected to:

  • Understand the concept of Quality Assurance System
  • Appreciate the need and importance of accreditation and certification of TVET programs and institutions to respond to the national, regional, and global labor market
  • Understand the nature and significance of various criteria and parameters used for accreditation as a tool for improving the quality of TVET Institutions
  • Comprehend the steps involved in the process of accreditation
  • Prepare the documents needed for submission to accrediting agencies
  • Create a discussion opportunity and experience sharing for the institute representatives aimed to exchange relevant information on how to enhance quality assurance offerings in TVET for their institute

Exploring Research in TVET: Design and Development

Date: June 20-22, 2024 /
Program Type: Customized Program /


The objectives of the training program are to:

  • enhance the quality, relevance, and effectiveness of vocational education and training programs through research
  • develop basic skills in conducting research in TVET
  • prepare a capsule research proposal

Program Contents

In order to achieve the above objectives, the following steps in generating a research project will be covered:

  • Step 1: Choose your topic
  • Step 2: Identify a problem
  • Step 3: Formulate research questions
  • Step 4: Create a research design
  • Step 5: Write a research proposal

Enhancing Quality of TVET Graduates through User-Centered Problem-Solving Method (Design Thinking)

Date: June 17-19, 2024 /
Program Type: Customized Program /


At the end of the program, the participants will be able to:

  1. Be exposed to the 5-step process of Design Thinking;
  2. Experience carrying out the 5-steps of Design Thinking;
  3. Gain knowledge, skills and competencies to develop creative and innovative student projects;
  4. Be more adaptive in solving real world issues; and
  5. Be equipped with skills to communicate and cooperate effectively.

Expected Outcomes and Outputs

The program focuses on the 5 steps of a Design Thinking process. By participating in this program, participants will be exposed to a creative problem-solving strategy to address issues/ challenges that are prevalent in their institutions, communities or industries. Participants will acquire tools, resources and skills to work in teams to understand target user needs, generate innovative ideas, and create plausible solutions. The outcome of this program can be adapted to different contexts and situations.

Expected Outputs:

  1. Participants identify a challenge/issue by interviewing respondents/ target users
  2. Participants use 5 step- Design Thinking process to solve the challenge /issue
  3. Participants produce a prototype or solution by working in teams
  4. Participants present their prototype in a pitching session