Venue : CPSC, Manila, Philippines /
Program Type: Customized Program /
Main Contents
- Overview of E-Learning Courses
- E-Learning Components and Approaches
- Synchronous, Asynchronous and Quality of E-Learning
- The ADDIE Model for E-Learning
- Designing an E-Learning Course(Analysis)
- Designing an E-Learning Course (Design and Development)
- Designing an E-Learning Course (Implementation and Evaluation)
- Types of Learning Platforms for E-Learning Course
- Develop a Mobile App (Sign Up, Create, Build and Publish)
- Development of Learning Management System using ICT Tools
- Develop different types of valid and reliable assessment items using E-Learning Tools
Group Work
- Identify the key advantage and disadvantage of developing E-Learning
- Case study: The IMARK work flow to produce and deliver e-learning content
- Perform the task analysis steps to define skills and knowledge for an E-Learning course
- Identify the most communication tools for an E-Learning course
- Practice development of LMS (Create online video lecture using online free available tool)
- Practice developing Assessment items using E-Learning