Program Type: Consultancy Program
Main Contents
At the end of the program, participants will be able to perform the following functions under the national vocational qualifications system:
A. Competency Standard Development Facilitator:
- Recognize the role and functions of NVQS
- Understand the National Vocational Qualifications Framework (NVQF) level of Nepal
- Understand how the competency standards have developed based on the experiences and procedures of different countries
- Be familiar with the overview of sector wise functional analysis
- Be familiar with the competency standards development procedures based on international standard (Technical Education and Skills Development [TESDA] Philippines) practices
- Prepare workshop materials and venue
- Facilitate competency standards development
- Facilitate competency standards validation workshop
- Finalize competency standards
B. Competency Standard Development Content Developer:
- Recognize the role and functions of NVQS
- Understand the NVQF level of Nepal
- Understand how the competency standards have developed based on the experiences and procedures of different countries
- Be familiar with the overview of sector wise functional analysis
- Be familiar with the competency standards development procedures based on international standard (TESDA Philippines) practices
- Develop Draft Competency Standard as per assigned qualification
C. Competency Assessment Tool Developer:
- Identify the 4 stages in developing CAP/Ts (Competency Assessment Package/Tools)
- Follow the procedures in developing CAP/Ts
- Prepare the standard CAP/Ts that will be acceptable to all end users