Program Type: Webinar /
9:30am Afghanistan | 10:00am Maldives, Pakistan | 10:30am India, Sri Lanka | 10:45am Nepal | 11:00am Bangladesh, Bhutan | 11:30am Myanmar | 12:00nn Thailand | 1:00pm Malaysia, Mongolia, Philippines, Singapore | 3:00pm Papua New Guinea | 5:00pm Fiji
As a Lecturer or Academia, our research work needs to be captured and published in any journal as a sharing of knowledge for other scholars in the same field. Publishing your work with others will create a healthy environment in the research world. Sharing info and experience will create more knowledge growth in a particular field. As an academia we need to write and publish our work in any platform, we should make it as an ethics of publishing after completing any research. A scientific paper has been defined as "a written work in scientific manner or published report describing original research results". Scientific writing must be clearly written and provides details on methodology of research work, which are essential because scholars usually read scientific literature for information and not entertainment. Thus, as an author your task is to convey information quickly, clearly, understandable to reader, and concisely. To write a scientific paper, all scientific journals use their own format and style which is mention in author’s guideline available at the Journal home page. Although there are many exceptions where author’s guideline was not clearly defined. In this webinar, we shall provide all of you an insight on how to write and compile effective research article based on your project or innovation work done and publish them in a high impact factor journal.
The main objectives of the webinar are:
- To create the awareness on the importance of publication of our work as an academia
- Systematic flow needs in publication, avoid fear and confusing when publishing your work in Journals.
- The right way to go about doing something is to keep it simple and pick the right methodology while creating an excellent research article for publication.
- The value of publication. The results of all the studies will be published. It is crucial to publish our research in order to share our findings with other academics working in that area.