Change Management for TVET

Date: June 10-14, 2024 /
Program Type: In-Country Program /

Main Contents

To achieve the objectives set forth, the following strategies will be employed in a consultative nature:

Theme Papers & Presentations on the following:

  • Presentation 1: Concept and Guiding Principles of Change Management
  • Presentation 2: Strategies and Tools to Address Change Management in TVET Institutes
  • Session 1: TESDA & Management Operational Overview
  • Session 2: Empowering Change: Women Driving Diversity and Inclusion in TVET Education
  • Session 3: Toyota Production System
  • Session 4: Manufacturing Quality Assurance

Exercises and workshops on the following:

  • Self-assessment of Change Competency Leadership
  • Application of Change Management Tools in Problem Resolution

Field Visits on the following:

  • SEAMEO Innotech Philippines
  • TESDA Philippines
  • TWC Institute Philippines
  • Toyota Institute Philippines

Symposium on ‘Strengthening Skills Through Multilateral Cooperation: A Retrospective on the 75 Years of Diplomatic Relations Between Thailand and the Philippines’

  • Session 1: Digital Transformation in TVET: Leveraging Thai-Philippine Partnerships for Technological Advancement
  • Session 2: Green Technology Integration in TVET: Best Practices of Greening TVET in the Global Context
  • Session 3: Education Innovation for Economic Development & Sustainability
  • Session 4: Inclusive TVET: Promoting Access and Equity Through Multilateral Cooperation


The participants are expected to:

  • Understand the concept of Change Management in TVET
  • Equip TVET professionals with strategies to identify and analyze change drivers within TVET educational contexts.
  • Foster a culture of adaptability and innovation among TVET faculty and staff to effectively manage transitions.
  • Enhance stakeholder engagement and collaboration to ensure buy-in and support for change initiatives in TVET programs.
  • Provide tools and techniques for planning, implementing, and evaluating change within TVET institutions.
  • Develop leadership capabilities to guide and facilitate change processes within the TVET environment.
  • Empower TVET practitioners with skills to navigate challenges and capitalize on opportunities arising from industry and societal shifts.